If you could study one subject in school that wasn’t offered, what would it be and why? 4-16-18

If I could, I would take a veterinary class because that’s what I want to do in college. If I could take that class now, it would help me in college. My second option is already offered in Mock Trial, which is law. So I would take a veterinary class. However, other classes are important to me too because math and science are important to be a vet. You need a language class just in case someone comes into work who doesn’t speak English. All classes incorporate into each other. You need all of those skills to succeed as an animal vet.

What is the most important relationship in your life right now? Why is that person so special to you? 4-15-18

The most important relationship in my life right now is my relationship with my mom. She is my rock. She is there when i need advice or a shoulder to cry on. She supports me in everything I do. She works so hard to make sure I succeed. I don’t know what I would do without her. I am so lucky to have the relationship I have with my mom. Some people don’t have a relationship with their mom and I am grateful everyday for mine. My mom deserves the world, good thing she’s got me 😉 just kidding *laughing face*

Are you planning on going to college? Why or why not? If so, what will you study? If not, what will you do instead? 4-15-18

I am planning on going to college because I want to study Zoology to be an animal vet. I want to work my way up in the field and become a vet for a zoo in Australia. My back up plan is to study law and become a prosecuting attorney. The one thing that is constant in my plan is to live in Australia. I want to go to college to achieve my dreams and be financially stable to support myself and my family. The schooling required is 4-6 years. I plan to take college credit classes my junior and senior year to get me a head and hopefully that will help my future.

Do you think men and women are equal in today’s society? Why or why not? 4/25/18

I think it has gotten a lot better than what it has been. However people are still fighting for equality between men and women. I think that there are some problems that have yet to be solved. I don’t think men and women should be completely “equal”. Yes we need to be equal in a sense of respect, however if we were all equal there would be no “diversity” (if you will) There are some things men do and some things women do and some things they both do. I’m not saying equality is bad. I’m saying we need equality in a sense of respect. There are 7 billion people in this world, no one can agree on one thing, or even two. There will always be conflict, if there is equality in the sense of respect we can all have open minds to everyone’s opinion without fighting each other. We can look at other views and respect one another instead of, “No, I’m right and you’re wrong and need to be “persecuted” or bullied about it.” Women are getting a voice now and that’s amazing, but I feel that that power is being abused and the men are being taken advantage because of that. We can’t have women’s equality without men’s equality.(If that makes sense)  We shouldn’t be separated in a sense of “species” but together as people.

Do you think women should take men’s last names when they marry? Why or why not? 4/25/18

I don’t think the last name matters. I feel like the reason why women take a man’s last name is so they can carry on the man’s family and honors etc. Now a days that’s not as important. Society has gotten rid of all that stuff. My uncle took his wive’s last name. I personally want to keep my last name because I am the last kid in my family with my last name. However it is sort of like a “dream” for some girls. They might say “I can’t wait to take his last name” or something of that matter. To me it’s not too important.

What complications might arise if one’s family disapproves of his or her choice? 3-1-18

Some complications of a family’s disapproval can be family issues, tension, and a sense of not belonging. If his/her family strongly disapproves, they might not want to see the couple any more. So it would be just the couple, on their own trying to survive. In a less severe case, their would be major tension between the family and the couple. Silent judging, dirty looks, and rude comments would all come with that tension. From that tension might come a sense of not belonging. You’ve grow up and been loved by your family just to cast out. Yeah you’ve got your significant other, but it’s not the same as the love of family. Which can leave you with a sense of not belonging and loneliness and could lead to marriage problems. However, you also could not care what other people think and go and live your life happily with your significant other. Do the things you’ve always wanted to do with nothing holding you back. These could be some complications that might arise from a family’s disapproval.

How important do you think the approval of one’s family is in selecting a wife or husband? 3-1-18

I feel it’s important to have a parent’s approval, however it shouldn’t change your decision. If it changes your decision then you probably shouldn’t marry the person right now. A parent’s opinion is great to have, however it should only strengthen your decision to marry. Some people do take their parent’s opinion seriously and don’t marry that person if their parents don’t approve. That’s why if your decision is solely based on your parent’s decision and they can make or break the marriage, don’t marry that person right now. It’s some peoples’ religion, or custom to have a parent’s approval and even though the couple is very much in love, it will still make or break the marriage. Probably because they will spend a lot of time with family and their culture is very family oriented. However most Americans have the voice to say something and the privilege to make their own decisions.

Do you think arranged marriages would work in modern American Society? 3-1-18

I do not think arranged marriages would work in modern American society. Us Americans are not censored to the outside world like some other countries. We are so connected to the internet in today’s society, which is another reason why arranged marriages wouldn’t work. You can see everyone on the internet. You can meet new people half way across the world instead of seeing everyone in town or in the are you live. Society, society has told us so many things. One thing being that people are independent. Society prevents arranged marriages from working because this generation’s believes are not that of their parents who believe in arranged marriages. However, in countries that do have arranged marriages are accustomed to that because it is the society and their believe or that’s their religion. They are censored from knowing anything different. In their mind, that is the right way. So in comparison, America has the freedoms and rights and privileges like no other country. Which makes it almost impossible (yet, it does happen in the U.S) for arranged marriages to work.

Why or why not should parents have any control over the personal lives of their children? 1/11/18

In my opinion I believe a parent should have some kind of control over their child’s personal life. I don’t believe a parent should have complete control because the child has to learn from their mistakes because their parents won’t be there every time they mess up. The parent has to be there to teach and guide the child, or else there’s no point in parenting! However I don’t believe the parent should be up in the kids business 24/7 or check their phone every night. How is a child supposed to learn trust if the people who raised them didn’t even trust them? If the child gave the parent any reason not to trust them, then I could understand. Trust. That is a very important thing as a parent and as a child, and is probably the backbone of a relationship between a parent and child.

What Is Your Opinion On “Love at First Sight”? 1/11/18

I don’t believe in  “Love at First Sight”. I believe in affection and/or admiration at first sight. I believe love grows. Your affection/admiration could blind your judgment and lead you to believe it’s love at first sight, and could put you in a bad relationship or place in your life, being blinded by “love”. Personally I believe, in the real world, love grows from the first time you meet that someone. It also couldn’t grow. You could be infatuated with this person but the relationship doesn’t mature, or that “spark” or “love” just doesn’t grow.

However there are different kinds of love. The love you have for your friends. The love you have for your family. But you don’t look at someone and immediately become best friends. In time you do, with the things they do for you and how they are there for you. In time your love for that best friend grows as you get to know them by the decisions they make and the things they do for you. The only “Love at First Sight” that I believe in, is the love a mother/father has for their children and for their family.